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Bupati Batubara OK ARYA Terima Anugrah Kepala Daerah INOVATIF 2014

Humas Setdakab BatuBara
Siaran Pers
Nomor : 03/Humas/ SP/12/ 2014
Hari/Tanggal  : Kamis, 11 Desember 2014
Lokasi : Solo

Setelah melangsungkan helatan akbar perayaan HUT ke 8 Kabupaten Batu Bara 8 Desember lalu.Kebahagian di penghujung tahun ini kembali di torehkan oleh Bupati Batu Bara H OK Arya Zulkarnain SH MM. Torehan berbalut tinta emas itu berupa penghargaan tingkat nasional. Bupati hasil pemilihan perorangan ini secara langsung menerima Penghargaan Kepala Daerah Inovatif 2014, untuk kategori Bupati. Penyerahan penghargaan tersebut diberikan Presiden RI melalui Menteri Dalam Negeri (Mendagri) Tjahjo Kumolo.
            OK Arya meraih penghargaan berkat berbagai inovasinya dalam upayanya membangun ekonomi berbasis keluarga. Serta perkembangan ekonomi dan pembangunan Batu Bara yang naik secara signifikan di masa kepemimpinannya hingga kini. Semenjak menjabat bupati pertama kali tahun 2008, telah banyak keberhasilan dan perubahan yang pisitif di berbagai sektor yang dirasakan oleh warganya. Penghargaan yang saya terima ini saya persembahkan untuk seluruh masyarakat Batu Bara . Karena, sebuah proses pembangunan Batu Bara adalah berkat kerjasama dari semua pihak, baik pemerintah daerah, swasta dan dukungan dari seluruh rakyat ,” ujar papar OK Arya kepada sejumlah wartawan termasuk Perjuangan Baru, di Puri Kencono Ball Room, Lor In Hotel , Solo, Jawa Tengah, Kamis (11/12) malam.
            Dikatakan OK Arya peng­hargaan ini merupkan pemacu semangat lagi untuk berinovasi lebih baik lagi. Apalagi banyak megaproyek pembangunan yang akan dilaksanakan berupa pembangunan pelabuhan global hub,dan kawasan Industri khusus Kwala Tanjung. Selain Kabupaten Batu Bara,Bupati Simalungun DR JR Saragih,Walikota Medan Drs Dzulmi Eldin MSi dan Gubernur Sumatera Utara H Gatot Pujo Nugroho ST Msi juga me­nerima penghargaan,terlihat juga  Gubernur Jawa Barat H Ahmad Heriyawan, H Dedi Mulyadi (Bupati Purwakarta) dan Hj Utche CH Suganda (Bupati Kuningan). Dan kepala daerah lainnya baik gubernur, bupati maupun wali kota di seluruh Indonesia. Menteri Dalam Negeri Tjahjo Kumolo yang memberikan penghargaan itu secara la
            Menurut Tjahjo, kegiatan yang diadakan oleh media nasional tersebut diharapkan diteruskan untuk merangsang kepala daerah lainnya baik Gubernur, Wali kota maupun Bupati untuk bekerja keras dan inovatif membangun daerahnya. Mendagri mengatakan, dari kritikan suatu media diharapkan kepala daerah merasa terpacu dan termotivasi untuk membangun daerahnya dalam pelayanan berokrasi, pendidikan, kesehatan, dan lingkungan guna mensejahterakan masyarakatnya. Dia me­nga­takan, pemekaran daerah se­benarnya memiliki tujuan untuk menyejahteraan masyarakat, meningkatkan pemerataan pembangunan, dan meningkatan pendapatan asli daerah (PAD). Namun 60% dari total pemekaran yang ada belum mampu memenuhi tiga hal tadi, bahkan masih menjadi beban pemerintah pusat, ini saya kira yang perlu dievaluasi,” tegasnya.Selain itu, lanjutnya persoalan di daerah yang perlu mendapat perhatian adalah soal koordinasi antar kabupaten/kota. Dalam banyak hal, koordinasi ini jadi kendala. Misalnya soal tapal batas, yang sering menyebabkan ketegangan antardaerah. Akibatnya daerah itu jadi korban. Ini saya harap ada terobosan untuk dijadikan solusi bersama. Jadi teruslah berinovasi, saya sangat mengapresiasi kepala daerah yang mampu mengelola anggarannya dengan baik, sehingga mampu membangun daerahnya secara konkrit.
ngsung,mengapresiasi penganugerahan penghargaan kepada 19 kepala daerah gubernur, wali kota, dan bupati yang inovatif atau berprestasi untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan rakyat. “Kepala daerah yang mendapatkan menghargaan itu, diharapkan menjadi contoh daerah yang lain sebagai motivator bekerja untuk kemajuan daerahnya masing-masing,” kata Tjahjo Kumolo dalam sambutannya pada acara tersebut.

Elena & Stefan

"Hey" Elena says as she steps into the front door of the Slavatore brother's house.
"Good morning my lovely little love," Stefan replies and kisses her on the forehead.
He wraps her in a hug and she looks up at him.
"Did you sleep good?" She asks, knowing the answer.
"No" He replies getting to the point "Another nightmare of you." He says and Elena feels sorry for him. She hadn't gotten much sleep lately either after a run in with Klaus and getting another death threat from Katherine.
"Well, Stefan I'm here okay," she says, putting her warm hand on his cheek. "I'm here, alive, and I love you." She finishes with the kiss that Stefan had been waiting for.
After a while of sitting around, and doing couple stuff Stefan looks over at Elena.
"You're bored aren't you." He says looking grim.
"No, Stefan I--"
"You're bored aren't you"
"Yeah." She admits, this time with a smug look on her face.
"We've never actually...."
"I know.." She says.
"Do you wanna.." He asks.
"Yes" she says and she practically rips his arm off trying to pull him upstairs.
He tries to be gentle while kissing her but it only made it worse. He could smell her hair, her clothes, her skin, her blood. He starts to kiss her neck starting by her ear. But by the time he reaches her vein he can't stop it. His eyes turn red and cracked and fangs emerge from hs gums because the Blood Lust is too strong. Elena can feel nothing but pleasure when Stefan's long fangs pierce the fresh skin on Elena's neck. He hated taking from her but she was happy giving her blood to him and only him. After about a minute of drinking Stefan pulls away.
"Stefan, why'd you stop."
"Because every time we try to.. you know I end up ruining it with these damn things." He points to his fangs.
"Stefan Salvatore, you know I have no problem with that. It's the fact that you stop and do this everytime that ruins our moments."
"Elena, I don't like doing this though. I'm hurting you and I-"
"Stefan, it doesn't hurt, not when it's you. Stefan I love you and-"
"ELENA, THAT'S NOT MY POINT, ONE OF THESE TIMES I'LL ACCIDENTLY KILL YOU,WHAT WILL I TELL PEOPLE? HUH? THAT I SUCKED YOU DRY DURING SEX!?" He was in the "I'm a ripper and and a killer leave me for your own good"mood now.
"Stefan calm down. I LOVE YOU. But this is where you learn to control Ripper Stefan. You can control it I know you ccan, why are you the only one who doesn't believe you can."
"Elena.. it's not possible."
"Stefan. Can'ts and it's not possibles won't help sweety. You need to be confident and trust yourself. I trust that you won't kill me. Your humanity is there for that. Please Stefan. Please. Just try."
I'm sorry,Elena. I will."
She runs over to him and jumps in his arms. They kiss again, this time soft and gentle but still giving off the same connection as they had two minutes ago.
"God, I love you Elena. I love you so much it kills me to think I could lose you. I love you..I love you. " he finishes in a whisper.
"I love you too Stefan."
They stay in a hug for 5 minutes and it only brings them closer.
They lay on the bed and fall asleep holding each other.
And this time, neither of the two have nightmares.

Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City

Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City delivers a true third person team based shooter experience set within the dark and sinister Resident Evil universe and a reinterpretation of the events depicted in Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3. Zombies and Bio-Organic Weapons (B.O.W's) add to the mix as players not only compete against an opposing squad but also tackle this third unpredictable element, creating a brand new style of gameplay and breaking the conventions of traditional team based shooters.

It is September 1998 and the action centers once more on the ill-fated Raccoon City and the horrific consequences of the deadly T-virus outbreak from the Umbrella facility. With a cover up required, Umbrella orders an elite team into Raccoon City to destroy all evidence of the outbreak and eliminate any survivors. Hearing of this plan, the US Government dispatches its own special forces to uncover any evidence that exposes the cause of the viral infection and Umbrella's actions. Players take on the role of an Umbrella Security Services soldier (U.S.S.), competing alone or in four player co-op in a battle against all the competing forces at play in Raccoon City.

Personal data on 800,000 United States Postal Service workers stolen

Another major institution has been hit my a major cyber security attack.
The United States Postal Service (USPS) was the victim and 800,000 employees appear to have had all their personal information taken including social security numbers.
“The intrusion is limited in scope and all operations of the Postal Service are functioning normally,” USPS spokesman David Partenheimer said in a statement.
While “limited in scope,” nearly a million employees’ names, addresses, SSN, and phone numbers were taken, which could sadly lead to batch attempts at identity theft. In addition, customers who called the USPS customer support line from January through August have also had their info taken, depending on what they provided to the service reps. What that means is there are likely hundreds of thousands of email addresses out there now.
The USPS says the attack was first found in September, but they waited two months before coming forward because “communicating the breach immediately would have put the remediation actions in jeopardy.” A blanket statement like that will likely do nothing to appease the fears of employees whose socials are now in the wild.

Microsoft unveils new Lumia 535, their first branded Windows Phone

Microsoft unveils new Lumia 535, their first branded Windows Phone

Microsoft finally unveiled their first non-Nokia branded Lumia device today, the 535, including a familiar look but with Microsoft logos everywhere.
At $140 USD (€110) it is clear the device is aimed at everyone, and it will be an upgrade from previous 5-series Lumia devices.
Microsoft’s latest has a 5-inch IPS display, a 1.2GHz quad-core Snapdragon 200, 8GB internal storage (expandable to 128GB with microSD), 1GB RAM and dual 5MP cameras. It also includes dual-SIM capabilities for European and Asian consumers who can take advantage.
The device runs on Windows 8.1, and as expected, Microsoft has bundled its suites including Office, Skype and OneNote.

Following hack, pre-release Sony films hit the Internet in full DVD-screener quality

Earlier this week we reported that Sony Pictures’ computer network had been taken down by a team calling themselves GOP (Guardians of Peace), with the attackers claiming that many terabytes of sensitive data had been taken and would be leaked if their demands were not met.
Now, it appears that the first leaks have hit the Internet, with a few Sony Pictures’ films, many of which aren’t set for release for a couple of months are now widely available on the Internet. Other documents released sadly include passport and visa information for Sony employees, hundreds of thousands of emails and even accounting and research details for Sony Pictures’ IT systems.
Among the movies released are four that have not been released in theaters, and one popular film that only had one month in theaters. Among the films leaked are “Fury” with Brad Pitt, “Annie” with Jamie Foxx (release date December 19th), “Mr Turner,” (release date December 19th), “Still Alice” with Alec Baldwin (release date January 16th, 2015) and “To Write Love on Her Arms,” scheduled for release in March of next year.
It is unclear whether more full leaks of pre-release films will hit the Web in the coming days, but it is clear that someone may have been out to hurt Sony financially

WTG NetworkSolutions, Superior Service!

I need to take time out of my day to comment on superior service I have received from Maria Burke of Networks Solutions.

Earlier this year I bought a domain on a back order service who created an account at Network Solutions to transfer this domain. When I sold the domain I changed the account info to the purchaser's info and forgot about it all.

Then over the next 6 months I bought a few more back orders. then when I start to work on them I see that they were all sent to the NetworkSolutions that I completely changed the owner info for (not my usual one) ... so the guy that I sold the original back order to now was the owner of record of all these additional domains (about $3K in total). I was frantic, I called customer support, got no where, asked for a supervisor who then referred me to the executive office - Maria Burke.

After I explained the situation and provided the receipts from domain the purchases, she then transferred the domains into a new Network Solutions account in my name. Whew! She saved me alot of money, time and much agida.

I try to call the the Backorder company - no response, I open a trouble ticket and after four replies their resolution was to log on to my enom account - IOW USELESS. So Thank God Maria Burke, you saved me.

Fast forward to last week, I had bought a few more back orders, and guess what? Yep same thing, went to the old account in the name of the guy who bought the domain. Geez Louise !!! The bill, this time, another $3K ... I'm sweating bullets again. I send off an email to Maria who not only responds immediately she also calls me twice! Suffice it to say, Maria saved the day again!!

So, thank you Maria, I really appropriate you and your superior service.

**I've created a new account at the back order company so the new domains I buy go to the new account - I'm still shocked at the non responsiveness of the back order company ... especially with the money that they make (No I will not mention them, this is a congratulatory thread).
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